Have you ever been in situation like mine? That you really wanted to be with a guy, but you knew you couldn't, because of what he did in the past and because of what people would say... Never EVER I havent been in such. And it's so heart breaking and frizzing. I wish I havent ever met him, or I rather wish he wouldnt do what he did. Imagine the worst thing your best friend could do with a guy you like. Of course she didnt knew it, but who did? Nobody cause I hided it deep in my heart and tried to lock it this time to not to feel humiliated when he would be with somobody else this time, and because of this strategy, everything what Ive been protecting myself from- just happened..
And yes, I know this blog was supposted to be about my goal, but with loosing weight, there comes a lot of things, that started to change in my life.. One of it is my love life, that happened to start exist. No crying, just a lot of new friends and handsome guys that I finally see in reach of my hands. A friend (the guy I mentioned already) that I could talk naturally with first time in a lifetime; a shy guy, that happens to came to me with a friend and his mine showed even more then a thousand words; Michael- that looked at my work today again, but she disappeared faster then he showed; Mike- a tutor from constructions. That stood up next to me, looked few times and stare. He never said 'hi'. So many friends, so little time, so many doors and so many ways, cause when the windows are closed, there are always doors.
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